Learn CPR, Australian CPR and First Aid courses, australian training institute, perth CPR certification

A First Aid + CPR Course is essential to a number of industries and accreditation is nationally recognised. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving procedure that anyone can learn to save lives when a person’s heart stops beating or is unable to breathe. 

A person can stop breathing for many reasons, including heart attack and drowning. When these kinds of emergencies happen, CPR is needed and is performed to preserve brain function until any emergency medical services team arrives.

St John’s Ambulance Services WA strongly encourage every capable person to complete First Aid + CPR training in order to help improve chances of survival in life-threatening situations. One person can make a difference. 

Here are 7 reasons why learning CPR is vital today:

1.  CPR can help save lives

Medical professionals like registered nurses and doctors must know how to perform CPR to save lives. However, you too can help save lives outside of the hospital even without any medical degree. Anywhere and at any time, when someone’s heart stops and no medical professional is available at the premise, you can administer CPR to save their lives and prevent brain damage by restoring proper blood flow.


2. Recognise and respond to the signs of a cardiac arrest


Learning CPR will give you knowledge on how to help someone who is having a heart attack. In CPR class, you will learn to recognise the signs of cardiac arrest, and what to do if you see them.


According to the statistics conducted by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, if someone receives CPR, including chest compressions, within 4 minutes of collapse, and if defibrillation is provided within 10 minutes, that person has a higher chance of survival.


3. Help someone who is drowning


Enrolling in a CPR class can show you how to help whenever someone has been drowning and how to help clear airways and resuscitate until paramedics arrive. If you are in a situation where someone how has been in a drowning incident, administering CPR can help increase the victim’s chance of survival until the paramedic arrives.


4. Learn basic anatomy

To fully understand how CPR works, you will also learn in class about the human
body and its functions. You will learn about the bones and the muscles of the
chest, and the correct way to perform chest compressions on infants, children and adults.


5. Prevent loss of brain functionality


Brain death can happen four to six minutes after the heart stops beating. However, performing CPR can help keep blood flowing and provide oxygen to the brain and other vital organs, giving the victim a better chance for a full recovery. According to Everyday Health, when CPR is performed and given to the victim within the first two minutes of cardiac arrest, there is a higher chance of survival.

6. Safety at home and in the workplace

CPR training can be a vital skill, especially for those people around you. Whenever someone in your family or co-worker drops instantly during a cardiac arrest or drowning emergency, you can provide immediate support to the people you know and love.

 7. CPR is an added valuable and life-saving skill

When you are equipped with the knowledge and skills in performing CPR, you become an asset to the people around you. You can be called in emergencies and trusted with someone’s life. Moreover, when applying for a job, some companies will require you to take a CPR class before they hire you.

Enrolling in a CPR class and gaining a certification will give you the potential to save lives. At the Australian Institute of Training Solutions, we enable people to become a part of the solution. Our knowledgeable professionals will help guide and equip you with the right tools and skills that will help you step up in an emergency.

Contact us today to enrol in a CPR and First Aid course.