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Australian Institute of Training Solutions (AITS) is committed to adhering to the Commonwealth Privacy Act (1988) to protect the privacy of its staff, students, and clients. AITS is also committed to the 13 Australian Privacy Principles:

  1. Open and transparent management of personal information
  2. Anonymity and Pseudonymity
  3. Collection of solicited personal information
  4. Dealing with unsolicited personal information
  5. Notification of the collection of personal information
  6. Use or disclosure of personal information
  7. Direct Marketing
  8. Cross-border disclosure of personal information
  9. Adoption, use or disclosure of government-related identifiers
  10. Quality of personal information
  11. Security of personal information
  12. Access to personal information
  13. Correction of personal information

Student information

In the course of its business, AITS may collect information from students or clients either electronically or in hard copy format, including information that personally identifies individuals. AITS may also record various communications between individuals and themselves. The following types of personal information are generally collected from students:

  • Contact details.
  • Employment details
  • Employment History
  • Educational History
  • Course selection

The following types of sensitive information may also be collected:

  • Identity details
  • Disability status
  • Employment status
  • Financial position
  • Nationality
  • Indigenous status

AITS will only collect personal information by fair and lawful means and only if it is necessary. AITS is committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of the information provided.

The personal information supplied by individuals will only be used to provide information about study opportunities, to enable efficient course administration, and to maintain proper academic records. If an individual chooses not to give certain information, then AITS may be unable to enrol that person in a course or supply them with appropriate information.

AITS assures all clients that the information collected is only used for relevant legal and intended purposes related to training and/or assessment and will otherwise be treated as confidential. 

AITS aims to protect all personal information against unauthorised access, loss or modification to the best of their ability. AITS clients and stakeholders may access their personal information held by us upon written request.

Where a student is employed under a traineeship arrangement their employer will be provided with details relating to study progression.

Certain personal information of clients and students will need to be shared with certain government departments and training authorities. In these instances, AITS will ensure only the relevant and required information is shared in a confidential manner.

Person information relating to students is filed and stored in individually named student files. These files are then stored in locked filing cabinets within a manager’s office. This office is then locked if left unattended.

Student training records and documentation is stored in individual student files and assessor handbooks. The assessor handbooks for each student are stored in a locked room only accessible by approved staff members.

Staff Information

During the course of its business, AITS will collect personal information regarding staff members which may generally include:

  • Contact details.
  • Employment details
  • Educational History
  • Employment History

The following types of sensitive information may also be collected:

  • Identity details
  • Bank account details
  • Tax file number
  • Health status and conditions
  • Nationality
  • Indigenous status

All personal information is treated sensitively and kept confidential. Staff personal details are stored in individual staff files in a locked filing cabinet stored in a manager’s office. The office is locked and closed when unattended.

AITS will only collect personal information by fair and lawful means and only if it is necessary. AITS is committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of the information provided.

AITS assures all staff members that the information collected is only used for its legal and intended purposes related to their employment and will otherwise be treated as confidential. 

AITS aims to protect all personal information against unauthorised access, loss or modification to the best of their ability. AITS staff members may access their personal information held by us upon request.

Our commitment

All information provided will not be disclosed to any third party without prior consent.

AITS has the availability of secure document destruction to destroy any identification records or personal information that is no longer required.

AITS confirms that individual’s personal and sensitive information will not be disclosed to any overseas recipients.

If you have found an AITS employee to be in breach of this policy, you can lodge a formal complaint with AITS management. Please refer to the Complaints and Appeals policy. Complainants can choose to remain anonymous if they choose.