HLTAID012 Provide first aid in an education and care setting

This course covers the required skills and knowledge to provide a first aid response to infants, children and adults in line with first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC).

The course is designed for early childhood workers, teachers and other educators who work with school age children in outside school hours care and vacation programs and who may be required to respond to a first aid emergency, including asthma and anaphylactic emergencies.

This course meets the regulatory requirements as stipulated by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority.

Price: $149.00 $109.00 AUD including GST.

HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting

Modification History


Release 1
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting supersedes and is not equivalent to HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
Release 2
Minor grammatical changes to ensure clarity. Equivalent outcome. Updated mapping details.


HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
supersedes and is not equivalent to HLTAID004 Provide an emergency
first aid response in an education and care setting

Release 2 .
Minor grammatical changes to ensure clarity. Equivalent outcome. Updated mapping details.

Application :

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to infants
and children in line with first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation
Council (ARC) and other Australian national peak clinical bodies.

This unit applies to a range of workers within an education and care setting who are required
to respond to a first aid emergency, including asthma and anaphylactic emergencies. This
includes early childhood workers and educators who work with school age children in outside
school hours care and vacation programs.

This unit of competency may contribute towards approved first aid, asthma and anaphylaxis
training under the Education and Care Services National Law, and the Education and Care
Services National Regulations (2011).

Specific licensing/regulatory requirements relating to this competency, including
requirements for refresher training should be obtained from the relevant
national/state/territory Work Health and Safety Regulatory Authorities

Elements and Performance Criteria


Elements describe the essential outcomes


Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
1. Respond to an emergency situation.

1.1. Recognise and assess an emergency situation.
1.2. Ensure safety for self, bystanders and casualty.
1.3. Assess the casualty and recognise the need for first aid
1.4. Seek assistance from emergency services.

2. Apply appropriate first aid procedures.

2.1. Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in
accordance with the ARC guidelines.
2.2. Provide first aid in accordance with established first aid
2.3. Ensure casualty feels safe, secure and supported.
2.4. Obtain consent from casualty where possible.
2.5. Use available resources and equipment to make the casualty
as comfortable as possible.
2.6. Operate first aid equipment according to manufacturers’
2.7. Monitor the casualty’s condition and respond in accordance
with first aid principles.

3. Communicate details of the incident.

3.1. Accurately convey incident details to emergency services.
3.2. Report details of incident in line with appropriate workplace
or site procedures.
3.3. Complete applicable workplace or site documentation,
including incident report form.
3.4. Report details of incidents involving infants and children to
parents or caregivers.
3.5. Follow appropriate workplace or site procedures to report
serious incidents to the regulatory authority.
3.6. Maintain privacy and confidentiality of records and
information in line with statutory or organisational policies.

4. Review the incident

4.1. Recognise the possible psychological impacts on self and
other rescuers and seek help when required.
4.2. Contribute to a review of the first aid response as required.

Foundation Skills

The Foundation Skills describe those required skills (language, literacy, numeracy and
employment skills) that are essential to performance.

Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this
unit of competency

Unit Mapping Information

HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting supersedes and is not equivalent to HLTAID004 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting


Companion Volume implementation guides are found in VETNet –



There are no formal prerequisites required for you to enrol in this course, however, a sound understanding of the English language is essential. For this reason, students will be required to complete a short assessment to ascertain their language, literacy, and numeracy level at the time of enrolment. Additionally, upon enrolment, students must have a valid Unique Student Identifier (USI) to study an accredited course in Australia. To create a USI please visit http://www.usi.gov.au.

You don’t need to be athletic but to complete the course, you will be required to perform 2 mins of uninterrupted single CPR (5 cycles of chest compressions and rescue breaths) and you will be asked to handle the dummy manually. So, a level of physical fitness is essential.

In-person: Face-to-Face time for HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in Education and Care settings is 06 hours – with a ½ hour break for lunch.

Online: The online quiz component is structured to take approx. 02 hours to complete in your own time. The submission deadline for completing the online quiz component for HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in Education and Care settings is 01 month from enrolment, but it is better to complete it prior to attending the in-person training, so that you already have a basic understanding of the course materials.

We have 3 – 4 courses running per week, however we may add more courses to meet demand. We also offer group bookings and corporate discounts for larger groups. For information on this please email [email protected]

The completion of this course will enable you to deliver first aid and perform CPR in community and workplace settings.

For training specific to vulnerable people such as infants, school-age children, and older adults in aged-care settings, this is coming soon. To be notified when this course becomes available, please email [email protected]

We are conveniently located at the Xanadu Group building, 4 Gwenyfred Road, South Perth WA, 6151. There is ample parking available on premises.

If you’re traveling by public transport, the 910 bus route goes right past our location with stops after Way St and Berwick St.

After your pre-course self-paced study, you’ll be asked to take a multiple-choice test, and you will also be assessed on your incident reporting skills. Finally, you will be asked to give assessors a practical demonstration of your CPR skills in various scenarios.

If you have completed this first aid training before, please provide us with your Statement of Attainment or other verifiable certificates upon your enrolment. You may be exempt from completing the pre-course knowledge assessment.

Not on its own, but we can still help! Please see our first aid course which covers CPR and first aid training. The Code of Practice recommends that refresher training in CPR should be completed annually (12 months) and first aid qualifications should be renewed every three (3) years.

The Safe Work Australia Model Code of Practice: First Aid in the Workplace requires employers to ensure that their nominated first aiders attend training regularly to ensure currency.

Fill out the form below and one of our friendly team members will get back to you within 2-5 business days.